Certified and accredited.

Detecting insider threats.
Whilst most MSSPs are focused only on external threats, Talanos additionally monitor the identities of authorised and privileged users, analysing their patterns of good behaviour. Identity brings context to what would otherwise be meaningless interactions between endpoints.
Understanding ‘why’ transactions occur is critical in detecting nuanced behaviour like fraud, unintentional insider exploitation and advanced persistent threats. Talanos have built connectors to bring the analytics from IGA & PAM platforms into the SIEM to add identity context to transactions.

Strong security engineering capabilities.
Talanos' robust security engineering capability empowers organisations by tailoring security solutions to their unique needs, integrating diverse security controls across technology stacks and proactively identifying and mitigating weaknesses.
Through automation, our security engineers streamline operations, enhancing efficiency and accelerating threat detection and response. This proactive approach ensures a layered defense strategy, fortifying your organisation's security posture against evolving cyber threats.